To What Extent Là Gì


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Đang xem: To the extent là gì


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Từ điển Collocation

extent noun

ADJ. full, greatest, maximum, overall The overall extent of civilian casualties remained unclear. | actual, exact, precise, true | geographical, territorial

VERB + EXTENT reach The railway network had reached its greathử nghiệm extent in route mileage. | see | consider, examine, explore, investigate | assess, calculate, estimate, evaluate, gauge, judge, measure | define, determine, establish, identify a statement defining the extent of Latvia”s territory | discover | acknowledge, appreciate, realize, recognize | know, understand We bởi vì not yet know the extent of her injuries. | demonstrate, illustrate, indicate, make clear, reflect, reveal, show The operation revealed the extent of the cancer. | outline a lengthy agendomain authority outlining the extent of global environmental problems | discuss | clarify, explain | emphakích cỡ, highlight, underline The victory underlined the extent to lớn which Prussia had become a major power. | exaggerate, overstate She was exaggerating the true extent of the problem. | overestimate | underestimate | play down, underplay, understate The government sought to play down the extent of the problem. | ignore | conceal, obscure | limit, reduce, restrict to lớn reduce the extent of deforestation


Bạn đang xem: To what extent là gì

Xem thêm: Danh Mục Tiếng Anh Là Gì ? Hạng Mục Tiếng Anh Là Gì? Tìm Hiểu Về Mục Lục Trong Tiếng Anh

Xem thêm: Sinh Năm 82 Mệnh Gì - Sinh Năm 1982 Mệnh Gì

in ~ The park is about 20 acres in extent. | to an ~ To an extent (= khổng lồ some degree) East-West distrust continued throughout the war. | to a … ~ He had withdrawn from the company of his friends to lớn an alarming extent.

PHRASES at sth”s fullest/greademo extent At its fullest extent the Angevin Empire comprised most of western France. | khổng lồ a considerable/great/large/significant extent, lớn a certain/lớn some extent To some extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation. | to lớn a lesser/limited/small extent The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, lớn a lesser extent, wildlife. | to lớn the same extent People no longer live sầu in small communities to the same extent as they used lớn.

Từ điển WordNet


the point or degree to which something extends

the extent of the damage

the full extent of the law

lớn a certain extent she was right

the distance or area or volume over which something extends

the vast extent of the desert

an orchard of considerable extent

Microsoft Computer Dictionary

n. On a disk or other direct-access storage device, a continuous block of storage space reserved by the operating system for a particular file or program.