Line of work là gì


My legs felt all wobbly when I stood up và I couldn”t walk in a straight line (= walk without moving to the side while moving forward).Quý Khách đã xem: Line of work là gì

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For many television viewers the dividing line between fact và fiction is becoming increasingly blurred. If you want to air your opinions live on the radio, the lines will be open (= you can phone) from eight o”cloông xã.a row of positions used to lớn defkết thúc against enemy attachồng, especially the ones closest to enemy positions: A line is a row of points that continues in both directions và is usually represented by a long thin mark.

A line is also a mark on a sports field which shows where things can or cannot happen, or which measures the field: In football, the lines are the two front rows of opposing players who face one another at the start of a play: a system of making goods in which a worker repeatedly does the same tasks on every tòa tháp và then passes it khổng lồ the next worker: assembly/processing/production line Eight additional production lines were installed in the town”s only factory.march/stand/wait in line If you don”t like standing in line, vì your part to make sure you”re an efficient start lớn officially agree with a plan or idea or to lớn vì chưng something in the same way as other people, organizations, companies, etc.: These are simply clutching, greedy people who are just manipulating society at large lớn line their pockets.

Bạn đang xem: Line of work là gì



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