one of the two parts of parliament in the UK and Canadomain authority, whose members are each elected lớn represent a particular official area of the country, or its members, or the place where it meets:

Bạn đang xem: House of common là gì


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Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn cùng với English Vocabulary in Use trường đoản cúọc những từ bỏ bạn phải tiếp xúc một biện pháp đầy niềm tin.

one of the two chambers (= parts) of parliament in Britain and Canada, whose members are elected lớn represent a particular area of the country:
When the chancellor rises from his seat in the House of Commons on Wednesday, he will try khổng lồ appear confident.

the situation of two or more people working together to lớn create or achieve sầu the same thing

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