It wouldn"t be cost-effective khổng lồ buy an expensive sầu new computer when all you want to do is store your photos.

Bạn đang xem: Cost-effectiveness là gì


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Nâng cao vốn trường đoản cú vựng của người sử dụng với English Vocabulary in Use tựọc các tự bạn phải tiếp xúc một giải pháp tự tín.

cost-effective methods or processes bring the greatest possible advantage or profit when the amount that is spent is considered:
Rather than attempting unisize area-wide, inundative releases of sterile males, it may be more cost-effective khổng lồ preferentially target aggregated populations associated with livestoông xã.
This systematic đánh giá showed that combination therapy (interferon alpha and ribavirin) is better than interferon alone và that it is cost-effective.
It has survived relatively unchanged for millennia, because it is cost-effective, productive, and in many societies, an integral part of community life.
What is revealed though by the curves is that values above these figures have a diminishing limited effect on the probability that therapy is cost-effective.
We evaluate different possibilities of land allocation & identify cost-effective alternatives in the provision of both conservation & income.
The presence of an environment & an attitude supporting cost containment may be the critical factor for securing cost-effective practice behavior amuốn physicians.
These techniques require substantial capital investment and skilled personnel; simple, cost-effective alternative detection protocols were therefore developed in this study.
Total elimination of the door-to-needle delay due to lớn telemedicine strategy is necessary if the strategy should be cost-effective-và this elimination will hotline for structural changes.
A cost-effective strategy for bringing people together especially from geographically isolated areas.
Using the estimates of 200 bootstrap samples, we demonstrate how one drug is cost-effective compared with another.
Providing cash (rather than benefits in kind, food stamps or vouchers) is more cost-effective and flexible, và avoids the creation of distorting secondary markets.

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Software applications were downsized from expensive sầu mainframes to networked personal computers & workstations that are often more user-friendly & cost-effective.
It is essential to lớn develop more cost-effective methods to investigate genetic predisposition for thrombosis.
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