Caro tiếng anh là gì

En cuankhổng lồ a la discrepancia técnica y los diversos equipos necesartiện ích ios, hay que indicar que esta es la solución menos cara.

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As for the technical discrepancy & the different equipment required, it should be pointed out that this is the least costly solution.
En cuankhổng lồ a la discrepancia técnica y los diversos equipos necesarquả táo, tuyệt que indioto que esta es la solución menos cara.
As for the technical discrepancy và the different equipment required, it should be pointed out that this is the least costly solution.
En primer lugar, será demasiavị caro, pueskhổng lồ que el proceso de certificación de nuevos tipos de semillas es tung lento lớn como costoso.
Firstly, it would be far too expensive, because the certification process for new seed types is long & costly.
En primer lugar, será demasiavì chưng caro, puesto que el proceso de certificación de nuevos tipos de semillas es chảy lento como costoso.
Firstly, it would be far too expensive sầu, because the certification process for new seed types is long và costly.
Si no se prestan subsidios para desarrollarla, el seguro es tung caro que hace que esta actividad resulte inviable.
If it is not subsidised, the insurance is so costly that taking it out makes this activity unviable.
Si no se prestan subsidtiện ích ios para desarrollarla, el seguro es tung caro que hace que esta actividad resulte inviable.
If it is not subsidised, the insurance is so costly that taking it out makes this activity unviable.
Queremos insistir en que no tenemos ningún prejuicio ideológiteo por ello; sencillamente estamos convencidos de que se trata de un proyecto inútil, poco realista y caro.
We bít tất tay that we vày not have any ideological prejudice because of this; we are simply convinced that this is a useless, unrealistic và costly project.
Queremos insistir en que no tenemos ningún prejuicio ideológico por ello; sencillamente estamos convencidos de que se trata de un proyecto inútil, poteo realista y caro.
We căng thẳng that we vì not have sầu any ideological prejudice because of this; we are simply convinced that this is a useless, unrealistic & costly project.
Ahora esta producción limpia se considera demasiavì cara y se importa electricidad sucia procedente de carbón, lignikhổng lồ y energía nuclear a través de la red de interconexión transfronteriza.
This clean production is now being considered too expensive sầu, and dirty electriđô thị is being imported via the cross-border connection network, which originates from pit coal, brown coal & nuclear energy.
Ahora esta producción limpia se considera demasiabởi cara y se importa electricidad sucia procedente de carbón, lignikhổng lồ y energía nuclear a través de la red de interconexión transfronteriza.
This clean production is now being considered too expensive, and dirty electriđô thị is being imported via the cross-border connection network, which originates from pit coal, brown coal và nuclear energy.
Al consumidor le cuesta trabajo creerse que los equipos baratos, pero " devoradores de energía" , resultan caros bé el tiempo.
It is difficult for the consumer khổng lồ appreciate that equipment that is cheap to lớn buy but an "energy guzzler" will prove sầu expensive in the course of time.
Al consumidor le cuesta trabajo creerse que los equipos baratos, pero " devoradores de energía" , resultung caros con el tiempo.

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It is difficult for the consumer to appreciate that equipment that is cheap to lớn buy but an "energy guzzler" will prove expensive sầu in the course of time.
Por una parte, somos demasiabởi caros, pero por otra, no somos lo suficientemente productivos como para permitirnos unos costes elevados.
On the one hand, we are too expensive sầu &, on the other hand, we are not productive sầu enough in order lớn be able to lớn afford the high costs.
Por una parte, somos demasiado caros, pero por otra, no somos lo suficientemente productivos como para permitirnos unos costes elevados.
On the one h&, we are too expensive và, on the other hvà, we are not productive enough in order to be able lớn afford the high costs.
Por consiguiente, la unificación europea se basa en los conceptos constitucionales y constituyentes que nos son chảy caros, a saber, la democracia y el antitotalitarismo.
European unification was therefore based on the constitutional và constituent concepts we hold dear, namely democracy và anti-totalitarianism.
Por consiguiente, la unificación europea se basa en los conceptos constitucionales y constituyentes que nos son tung caros, a saber, la democracia y el antitotalitarismo.
European unification was therefore based on the constitutional và constituent concepts we hold dear, namely democracy và anti-totalitarianism.
Các ý kiến của các ví dụ không trình bày cách nhìn của các biên tập viên hoặc của University Press tốt của những đơn vị cấp phép.

the situation of two or more people working together to create or achieve sầu the same thing

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