By dint of là gì


Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from the words you need to lớn communicate with confidence.

Bạn đang xem: By dint of là gì

Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the mở cửa Parliament Licence v3.0
Levering discovers hyên ổn " " leaning against a post, và doing nothing with all the perfection his race has, by dint of generations of practice, brought khổng lồ the thing.
By dint of its subject matter, this book should also have sầu an audience outside the academy, but the jargon-laden first chapters will likely ensure that it does not.
The mystic will have sầu to lớn gain power, if that"s what he is after, by the dint of his own personality và in ways which he himself must devise.
Apart from a cursory suggestion that a feature can be contracted through the principle of metaphorical extension or " by dint of similarity " (44), no further explanation is given.
By dint of the failure of the now virtually defunct traditional conventional democratic processes, they are driven khổng lồ take direct action.
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the xuất hiện Parliament Licence v3.0
Having got lớn the local appeal tribunal, & by dint of the good efforts of his representative, the man might well succeed.

Xem thêm: Sinh Năm 1965 Mệnh Gì, Tuổi Tỵ 1965 Mệnh Gì, Tuổi Gì, Hợp Màu Gì, Hướng Nào?

Example from the Hansard archive sầu. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0
Is it not for the area health authority and the region, by dint of better housekeeping, lớn provide the services that are adequate at present?
Example from the Hansard archive sầu. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0




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