
When you’re preparing for a study experience abroad, whether as an exchange student for a semester or two, or for completing a full Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, you need khổng lồ go through an extensive sầu ‘paperwork’ process. The transcript of records is one of those important documents you’ll have to lớn take care of và make sure the information is properly filled in.The transcript of records, also known as academic records or sometimes as student records, are closely linked with the learning agreement plan, which is an official document that specifies the courses, retìm kiếm & training/teaching activities you are supposed lớn achieve during your mobility.Bạn đang xem: Official transcript là gì

The learning agreement has to lớn be signed and approved by both your trang chính university & the host institution và any change should be agreed by all three parties (the universities & yourself).quý khách đã xem: Transcript of records là gì

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The Learning Agreement và the transcript of records mainly represent the academic recognition of your studies & the credits you earned during your study abroad program.

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What is a transcript of records?

The Transcript of Records is a document you will need to present, as part of the application process at your future host university from abroad. If you will be part of an exchange programme, you will also need another official transcript of records at the kết thúc of your study period, completed by the university where you attended courses.

The Transcript of Records (ToR) consists basically of a các mục of the course units taken, the exams you have sầu passed and the credits gained.

In the Transcript of Records, you can usually see:

the course unit code (basically the code the host university gives to lớn a specific academic course)the title of the courses you have attended at your host universitythe duration of the course (if one semester or two)the local grade (your exam mark, which is very important in order khổng lồ get your ECTS credits)the ECTS credits you have sầu gained by passing the exam

When lớn request a Transcript of Records?

Because the transcript of records contains the danh mục of the exams passed (or failed) during your exchange program, it is one of the last documents you would normally fill in or ask for.

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To ensure you won’t have sầu to lớn wait too long for this document khổng lồ be completed 100%, once you pass an exam, you can ask your professor to write in your Transcript of Records rough copy your exam result in the “Local Grade” part, while the other parts should be filled by you with all the information needed.

When your Transcript of Records is completed, all you have sầu lớn vày is deliver the document to lớn your home page International Office together with the rest of the required application paperwork.


What happens if I have khổng lồ leave sầu & the Transcript of Records is not ready?

This is a comtháng situation, especially in the case of Erasmus students. Normally, the exams take place in the very last weeks of the Erasmus period và getting all the grades in a very short time makes the process for filling the transcripts a little slow. But you don’t have to worry!

Your trang chủ or host institution should be able to provide an official interim transcript of your student records showing your grades achieved khổng lồ date. You can also skết thúc an e-mail to the professors telling them to lớn sover the results directly to the International Office that will fill in the document with the information needed.

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Rethành viên khổng lồ check your academic record

Once you got your Transcript of Records, double check và see if all the required fields are completed, especially:

“Date”“Signature of the administration officer”“Stamp of the Institution”

If the transcript of records is incomplete, it can be denied by the university

Finally, the layout of your student records is different from one university to another so the information provided above refer to the general one and can be found in every Transcript of Records. However, if you have sầu any doubt about this document you have sầu to ask both your home và your host International Offices.